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ConversioBot Review: How to Make a Marketing ChatBot Increase Conversions & Sales

My ConversioBot Review:
Watch my video and see how easy it is to build a chatbot for marketing, and how it can increase your conversion rates, sales, and leads! Watch me make my first ever chatbot!
***Get ConversioBot here:

ConversioBot Review, The Good Things:
-Cloud App *Works Anywhere!
-Easy to Use
-Unlimited Bots
-No Monthly Fees
-Integrates with WordPress and Top AutoResponders
-Lots of Features

ConversioBot Review, The Bad Things:
-Need to upgrade for more advanced features *Don’t really need it though
-Branding on Chat Window

Overall Rating: 9.5 / 10 points.

If you want to try out risk-free for 30 days, I’d appreciate it if you
grab it through my affiliate link here:


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Video Keywords:
ConversioBot, ConversioBot review, ConversioBot bonus, ConversioBot reviews, chatbot, marketing chatbot, marketing bot, chat bot, make a chatbot, chat bot, marketing chat bot


  1. Hi, i just heard about conversiobot and I want to know if it's compatible with sendfox?

  2. Interesting video HowToWebmaster.

    How do you make this chatbot reply back the person's first name, after they told the chatbot what their first name was?

  3. Where do you put the code if you promote affiliate products and have no access to the inner workings of the site, i.e. codes, ect. ?

  4. Wow. I have been looking for something like this after looking at MiniChat. But MiniChat does not work like this, there is a huge level of separation. This one really concentrates on the page, where minichat has to operate as to how FB allows the product to operate. This product is much more flexible. I for one will be looking out for products like this. Imagine have a mini-me at the sales page talking with the customer and of course, I can get that "email address" which is key.

  5. What other types of bots do you know how to make can you make the ones that order shoes for a person

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