How To Setup and Sell Your Product On Clickbank as a Vendor

Learn how to setup and sell your products on Clickbank as a vendor. Clickbank is a marketplace mainly for infoproducts (digital products such as ebooks, videos, software, etc).
A lot of vendors (sellers) on Clickbank make a lot of money because of Clickbank’s massive affiliate network.
However, Clickbank can be pretty complicated to get started selling on. Selling one product is easy to do, but multiple products with multiple upsells can be a challenge.
Hope this Clickbank vendor tutorial may help you new sellers out.
This is a quick overview on selling on clickbank:
1) Setup your product listing on Clickbank.
2) Setup and add your products and offers to a sales funnel (skip this if you only have 1 product).
3) Get your buy buttons after approval.
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For a salepage/funnel… is WordPress good?
Ok, maybe you can help me. A company is offering me a link to promote. A link to a hot software product. I wanna introduce it to CB. How do I go about that? I just want people to promote someone else's product.
Let me honestly thank you for all you have Being doing on behalf of this community. Your tips and advices have been very helpful for to me. Thanks
Do u believe using clickbank as a vendor guarantees u sales
What I don't understand is this — so I've already created a website with paypal payment gateway. Now after that I add product to clickbank and then at the time of payment gateway settings what do I do!! Because the website already has a paypal payment setup
Problem with is that as a seller/vendor, if you make a hundred sale today then forward all the money to you after deducting their commissions along with your affiliates' sales commissions. Now, has a 3 month refund period. Now, if you spend your earnings and a month or 2 later, you start receiving refund requests then how you gonna refund all the money after you spent some ?
For example:
You sell a software for $100 per copy.
10,000 affiliates bought you a 100 sales each (average). Thus totalling 1,000,000 sales worth of $100 million within the next 3 months starting from today. Let us imagine you agree to pay 50% commission to your affiliates.
That means your affiliates take 50% of the sale. Thus take $50m out of the $100m sales. That leaves $50m. will take a cut from that. Assuming they take 20%, they take $10m and you are left with $40m payment.
Let us say you spent that money buying a few new houses at the end of the week.
Now, let us assume 75% of your customers request a refund starting from a month from now and ending within the next 3 months. In short, more than half the customers ask for a refund within's refund period of 90 days.
So refund request totals $75m.
Now, how on earth are you gonna refund $75m when you only earned $50m out of the $100m ?
Don't forget that, you spent it all buying a few houses. Now you are gonna have to sell your houses to refund your customers. Not only that, your affiliates have spent the 50% commissions they earnt and now they can't refund any of that.
So how you gonna refund the money especially when both you and your affiliates have spent the money ?
That is the question I asked more than 5 years ago and they replied they will pay the refunds to my customers out of their own pockets and when I make more sales in the future be it the same product or new ones, they will deduct the money (that I owe them) bit by bit from my future sales. So in a sense, we vendors get to use's money for free. I then asked what if I do not come up with any more products or do not make enough sales to repay (do not make enough sales for to recoup all the money they refunded on my behalf). went silent and avoided answering my question, even though I pressed them a few times to answer.
This was what put me off from selling via
Now I ask you to answer my question, from your own experience with via a new YouTube video on this subject and message me the link. Or, you may pester for a public answer on their website.
What will you do ?
In short, I deem refund policy a risk. But if you deem otherwise then you may try selling my softwares via But bear in mind, once I get paid, I can never afford to refund and so refunds must come out of your own pocket.
Thank you so much! T😌 Your tutorial was very clear and very helpful ❤️
I have uploaded my product, how do affiliates create a hoplink for that same product- so that they can get a commission for promoting that product
Very helpful video 👍.. one thing i wanna know that.. how can i test they payment link ??
Click bank says you need to test your payment link before requesting for product approval, but before requesting we don't have any payment link 😳😟 so what do i need to do ??
how much do we pay any fees to clickbank for using the site to promote our product?
amazing video, but what is THANK YOU PAGE and how to create it, other question that is: i have a blog, not website, is it enough to be a vendor?
you are so clear thank you
Macromedia Dreamweaver OMG! Memories…
Sir please how can I get in contact with clickbank affiliates?
What kind and what is the easiest website I can create for my eBook? I want to sell to Clickbank affiliates, but I don't have a website. Please respond asap, thanks.
thank you so much ^_^