How to Setup Your Product For Sale At Clickbank Vendor Tutorial [PART 9]
In today’s clickbank ventor tutorial lesson, learn how to setup your product listing at clickbank. Learn about adding upsell/downsell products, and what key details you need to add to your clickbank products, and which things are not important and or optional.
🔥 New tutorial training videos on selling at Clickbank will be posted to my playlist here! 👉
📅 Step-By-Step Tutorial Training Series Will Go As Follows:
Part 1: Intro
Part 2: Digital Product Creation Ideas
Part 3: Recommended Tools
Part 4: Finish Creating Your Digital Product
Part 5: Setup Sales Funnel: HTML Salespage + Upsell/Downsell & Thank You Page
Part 6: Domain, Nameservers & Uploading Site Files
Part 7: Building a Salespage With WordPress
Part 8: Setup Clickbank Seller’s Account
Part 9: Setup Product Listing at Clickbank
Part 10: Setup Sales Funnel at Clickbank
Part ?? and beyond……..Warriorplus, JVZOO & Clickbank, launching & advanced tips and tricks coming later.
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🐼 I also have another playlist for other more make money online opportunities & tips 👉
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Video Keywords and Tags:
#makemoneyonline #clickbank #workfromhome
how to sell your product on clickbank, clickbank tutorial, selling on clickbank, clickbank vendor tutorial, clickbank seller tutorial, how to sell on clickbank, sell products on clickbank, clickbank training, clickbank sales funnel, sales funnel tutorial, how to setup a salesfunnel, clickbank sales funnel tutorial, clickbank vendor training, clickbank seller training, clickbank vendor tutorial,how to setup clickbank sales funnel,how to setup product for sale on clickbank
I wish I knew about the approval fee before I watched this tutorial for about 2 hours 😭
Would i need tax number to promote stuffs on Clickbank????
Thank you so much for your videos, I have been studying them thoroughly. I do have a question though. I am an affiliate for a trading platform, so I receive a commission to have people sign up through my link to their platform, deposit money and place a trade. So, I see it seems you need to have your own sales funnel with your own domain for Clickbank, JVZoo. Would there be a way for me to utilise affiliate marketers on Clickbank, JVZoo and WarriorPlus to promote my link to the trading platform? Is there a workaround as it seems I would need to do it through my own sales funnel? I hope this makes sense.
Ty for amazing training
Please you can send me your fiverr freelance contact to create a plugin for me
Its very dificulty to see any cheap and good
Hello Bro is there any Real sites to earn money at home eg. Watch ads click ads..
Thanks for sharing and for the tips!