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My Case Study: Launching a Free WSO to Build My Email List (Stats Screenshot!)

It’s been a while since I’ve released any new case studies, so here’s a free WSO case study of me launching a couple of free WSOs to build my email list.

Click here to download the Free WSO

Launching a paid WSO can be tough, but launching a free WSO is quite easy. After all, they’re paying nothing, so you don’t have to spend your heart and soul on the product creation part.

So here are the results from 2 of my free WSO launches:


Click here to download the Free WSO

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  1. Hello Leon,
    looks very well. I appreciated your Fun Money System; excellent work. Moreover on your blog I found a recommendation for “List Breackthrough” from Brian Harkins. To my opinion one of the best WSO’s of the year; really great.
    I am curious to read your free IM training.
    Keep in touch

  2. Hi Leon, thx for the free case study. Just a question, when you have the list, what is the rate of ppl unsubscribing from the list after they get the freebie?

    I was thinking, ppl will get bored and consider as spammy if they keep on getting sales pitch. I want to build my own list but just not sure what to do once I have them 😛

    1. Out of 100 subscribers, about 3-5 will unsubscribe right away after receiving the freebie.

      Send your list free stuff once in a while, and don’t be afraid to promote products to them.

    1. Yes, at the time, I bumped one of the threads once.

      I have since learned to add in an upsell and some more relevant affiliate offers on the backend.

      This is possibly the most powerful and cost effective list building strategy I’ve come across.

  3. I found your post very insightful…

    I’m running a PPL (Pay Per Lead) Offer where i’m paying affiliates $2/lead for tier 1 countries.

    Do you think it would be appropriate to post it as a free wso, where affiliates can subscribe and promote my PPL offer to their list?

    With your experience, do you think this will resonate well with marketers on the wso forum?

    Thanks for your thoughts bro

    1. With a WSO, you need to provide some kind of guide teaching people a method of some sort. Then you can recommend your PPL program.
      You can’t directly post an ad about your PPL program as a WSO.

      I am looking to startup a network of PPL program. I am interested to learn more about your PPL program. Please contact me here:

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