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Top 10 AdSense Alternatives: Maximize Your Website’s Earning Potential

Seeking alternatives to Google AdSense? Whether due to payout concerns, ad relevance, or just exploring better rates, there are several robust platforms to consider. Here’s a dive into the top 10 alternatives, detailed with their business tenure, ad types, and payout details.


Years in Business: Since 2010
Minimum Payout: $100
Types of Ads: Contextual Ads, Display, and Mobile Ads
Earnings: Based on traffic quality with competitive rates for niche content.
More Info:

2. AdThrive

Years in Business: Since 2013
Minimum Payout: $25
Types of Ads: CPM Ads
Earnings: Publishers earn 75% of ad revenue.
More Info: AdThrive

3. Mediavine

Years in Business: Since 2004
Minimum Payout: $25
Types of Ads: Various, including lifestyle-targeted ads
Earnings: Offers 75% ad revenue share.
More Info: Mediavine

4. Revcontent

Years in Business: Since 2013
Minimum Payout: $50
Types of Ads: Native Ads, Display Ads
Earnings: Based on content engagement.
More Info: Revcontent

5. Adversal

Years in Business: N/A
Minimum Payout: $20
Types of Ads: Banners, Pop-Ups, Native Ads
Earnings: Based on ad format and placement efficiency.
More Info: Adversal

6. Sovrn //Commerce (Meridian)

Years in Business: Since 2014
Minimum Payout: $25
Types of Ads: CPM Ads
Earnings: Pays per impression.
More Info: Sovrn //Commerce

7. Skimlinks

Years in Business: Since 2007
Minimum Payout: $10
Types of Ads: Affiliate Links
Earnings: Commission on sales.
More Info: Skimlinks

8. PropellerAds

Years in Business: Since 2011
Minimum Payout: $25
Types of Ads: Pop-Unders, Mobile Ads, Video Ads
Earnings: Based on ad engagement and conversions.
More Info: PropellerAds

9. Amazon Associates

Years in Business: Since 1996
Minimum Payout: Variable (Gift Card, Check, or Direct Deposit; no PayPal)
Types of Ads: Affiliate Links
Earnings: Commissions of 6-10% on product sales.
More Info: Amazon Associates

10. Adversal

Years in Business: Since 2003
Minimum Payout: $20
Types of Ads: Banners, Pop-Ups, Native Ads
Earnings: Based on site’s engagement and CPM rates.
More Info: Adversal


Platform Years in Business Minimum Payout Types of Ads More Info Since 2010 $100 Contextual, Display, Mobile More Info
AdThrive Since 2013 $25 CPM Ads More Info
Mediavine Since 2004 $25 Various More Info
Revcontent Since 2013 $50 Native, Display More Info
Adversal Since 2003 $20 Banners, Pop-Ups, Native More Info
Sovrn //Commerce (Meridian) Since 2014 $25 CPM Ads More Info
Skimlinks Since 2007 $10 Affiliate Links More Info
PropellerAds Since 2011 $25 Pop-Unders, Mobile, Video More Info
Amazon Associates Since 1996 $10 Affiliate Links More Info
Adversal Since 2003 $20 Banners, Pop-Ups, Native More Info


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