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Top 100 Free Sites to Make Money Online With (Part 3)

Top 100 FREE Sites to Make Money Online With!

You are currently viewing part 3 of the top 100 sites to make money with.

IntroductionPart 1Part 2Part 3 

Testing Things For Cash

These sites ask you to test things for money. This can be a web site, app, user interface, or something else. You can make a bit ($25 and up from some) but they are not consistent or have something all the time. Take it while you can get it.

AlphaBuzz – Participate To Earn
Enroll – Help Improve the Web For Cash
TryMyUI – Be A Website Usability Tester User Feel – Be A Website Testers For Cash

Userlytics – Be a Tester For Pay
UserTesting – Earn Money for Web User Testing
uTest – Earn Money Testing Software

What Users Do – Get Paid As A Usability Tester

Transcription and Translation Services

These sites will have you transcribe a spoken recording or video to written content. Some will also have the option of translating from one language to another.

Obviously, you need to be a good, fast, and accurate typist. They do not pay well, but if you are able to type you can make a decent buck from them.

If you ARE a transcriptionist or translator, you could make a decent living from home if you can finish enough of them.

1-888-TYPE-IT-UP – Audio Transcription

AccuTran Global

CastingWords – Audio Transcription: MP3s, Video

Fast Chart – Medical Transcriptionist Jobs

Gengo – Professional Translation Services

QuickTate – Transcribe For Cash

Rev – Audio and Document Translation

Scribie – Get Paid For Audio Transcription

StenoMed – Medical Transcription For Pay

TranscribeMe – Get Paid For Audio Transcription

Verbal Ink – Transcription and Audio Translation

Way With Words – Transcription Jobs

Virtual Assistant Positions

You can get positions as a virtual assistant doing all sorts of things for someone. Just like an online secretary; you will make calls, set appointments, do other work for pay which is usually paid per hour worked – all from the comfort of your home.

eaHELP – U.S. Based Virtual Assistants
Fancy Hands – Virtual Assistant For Pay
Lifebushido – Virtual Assistant Positions – Hire skilled staff

Virtual Assistant Jobs – Virtual Assistant Training

Weird Ways To Make Cash

Here are some sites with interesting ways to make money at home. These are for your information and entertainment. They do give you some ideas though…

14 FREE Money Making Ideas

40 Ways to Make Money on the Internet

40+ Alternative Income Ideas and Resources
ESPN – Streak for the Cash

Fast And Easy Way To Make Money – YouTube
Recover gold from scrap computer chips – YouTube
Recover Gold From Computer Scrap – YouTube
Penny Hoarder Blog – Weird Ways to Make Money
Share Cash – Upload Files For Cash
SimplyPTP – Earn $$ with Free Web Site
Sweepstakes Today – Find Sweepstakes To Enter
Wonder – Become a researcher

Work At Home Forums

These are forums filled with people who actually work from home. They are great resources to keep up with what is working and paying.

Better NetWorker

Internet Marketing Q&A

Money Maker Discussion Forum

Warrior Forum – Internet Marketing Forum

Work At Home Resources

These are some informative sites you might find helpful

10 Tips To Get Your Startup Noticed

16 Tech People Who Missed Out On A Fortune – Business

3 Steps To Going Full Time As An Info Product Marketer
Hundreds of Ways to Make Money

Making My First Million Online- My Story
Outsourcing – A simple Guide

Side Hustle Nation: Part-Time Entrepreneurship and
Business Ideas

The Art of Branding Yourself

Warrior Forum – Members Looking To Hire You What To Do If You’re Desperate Index

Writing For Money

Content is what makes the web work. If you can write, this can be some of the highest paying work you can do from home. IF you have the knack for what some of the sites want, you can make several hundred dollars per submission.

Writing online can also be the lowest paying, most frustrating, experience you will EVER have.

Each site has it’s own “theme” and type of writing they are looking for. Each pays differently. Some pay you per view of your work.

A popular piece can pay you for years and very well too. Others will pay you per piece. If you are good at making interesting list, ListVerse will pay you $125 per list.

Some people have made up to $500 an article or post on some of the sites which have more specialized knowledge required.

I make the majority of my income from writing. I do freelancing through some sites, write book and reports (like this one) for myself and others, do copywriting, blog posts, website pages, and various other writing projects.

30 Websites that Pay You to Contribute Instantly

BKA Content – Buy Articles, Blog Posts, and More
CACTUS – Share, Innovate and Excel
Constant Content – Write For Money
Content Writers – Make Money Writing
Crowd Content

CrowdSource – Freelance Writing Jobs – Passionate, local writers
Freelance Writers Review – Freelance Writing Job
Freelance Writing – Help For Freelance Writers
Freelance Writing Gigs – Get A Freelance Writing Job
Get Paid to Write for
Helium – Write For Money

Hire Writers – Get paid to write articles and web content
InfoBarrel – The magazine by the people
iWriter – Write for Money

Listverse – Write and Get Paid

Online Writing Jobs

Pay Per Post – Get Paid for Blogging Postloop – Forum Posts and Blog Comments ProBlogger Job Board – Jobs for Bloggers
Qualitytext – Write For Us
Reddit – Hire a Writer

Seeking Alpha – Make Money Writing About Finance
SkyWord – Write For Money

Swarm Content – Article Marketplace
Text Broker – Writing Jobs

The Barefoot Writer – Writing Jobs

The Dollar Stretcher – Write Tips, Make Money
The Motley Fool – Write About Investing

The Writer’s Job Board – Freelance Writing Jobs And Tips
WiseGEEK – Freelance Writing Jobs

Words of Worth – Freelance Writing For Pay
Wordy for editors

Worldstarts – Computer Help Writer’s Guidelines
Worldwide Freelance Writer
Write for Babble

Write for Wise Bread

Write to Done – Freelance Writing WriteLearnEarn – Article Sales Easier Than Blogging
WriterAccess – Freelance Writing

Writers Weekly – Writing News And Resources – Write Articles From Home
Writing Bids – Writing Jobs

Writing Jobs – How To Get Paid To Write Online! (Fee) Zerys – Writer Marketplace

So there you have it!

Over 100 ways to make money online!

Final Thoughts…

To make a more residual income (income you keep getting without doing something to make) there a few programs which allow you to get referrals. This is people joining the program under you.

You will make money and/or credits (points) from what they do on the site. Not a lot, but if you get enough referrals it can add up. These are mostly from the PTC and Get Paid To sites, but there are others too.

There are others which have an affiliate program designed to get clients. This is the way people can go full-time doing this stuff. It is money you don’t directly work to get.

Getting referrals is a totally optional thing. It does get you some extra cash, credits, or other perks and makes things a bit easier as time goes on.

Good Luck and God Bless in your new money making adventure online!

You are currently viewing part 3 of the top 100 sites to make money with. Click to view other parts of this list.

IntroductionPart 1Part 2Part 3 

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